I made a homebrew subsystem of Expeditions and Property for Veins of the Earth combining elements from Rules & Magic: Property and Finance chapter with my own ideas.
My intention was to convert VotE 100 treasures in some kind of collectibles the players could found and complete.
We transformed the Civilopede in a sort of mobile headquarters at the end of campaign, with its own underground routes that served as fast travel. At the same time, Civilopede was a museum where treasures, books, and materials where collected and exhibited.
The Civilope was used to create rooms for underlings (workers), and send them in expeditions to retrieve information about caves, pariahs, recruit new underlings, or found abandoned laboratory materials, books, special maps, speleo spells scrolls, and treasures.
Expeditions and Property
To send a new expedition, make an investment, select a target, choose a risk level, and roll for “Days taken”. When Days taken have been completed, the expedition has returned.
Optionally, you can double the Result at a chance of 1-in-100 investing an Extra. This chance could be incremented paying for the Extra multiple times, but you only roll once.
Risk level
There is always risk when sending an expedition.
Civilopede treasure adds +5’ to total space.
Lamps are required to illuminate the areas of the Civilopede.
Library requires 10' for every 500sp in value.
Laboratory requires 10' for every 100sp in value.
Civilopede total value is 1000sp per each 5’, plus library and laboratory values.
50sp per resident per month.
Maintenance: 1d6% of total property value per year (+1d10% no accountant, +1d4% no handyman).
Taxes 1d4+3% per year (+1d10% no accountant).
Stable: 1d8–4%. Risky 1d20–10%. 1d100–50% (+1d10% with accountant).
–1d6+4% to withdraw investment before 1 year.
This is a representation of the Civilope surface. On it, you can open new rooms to host services and its workers. Each Square is equal to 5’ of space. But each space needs Light to work, therefore, you need to find Lamps to illuminate.